Saturday, October 24, 2009

Lucky to be with grandparents!

I would consider you lucky if you have been brought up under the guidance of your grandparents in addition to your parents. However I do understand that in this modern era where we humans are more like machines doing work non-stop throughout the day, we have shifted from social culture of joint family to a nuclear family. In a nuclear family where both parents are working, the child either spends his time either in a boarding school or in a creche. But on the contrast, in a joint family or if a child has grandparents at home, s/he can spend time listening to nice story tales and grandparents take care of the child just like his own parents. It has been observed in many cases that grandparents are more attached to their grandchild than their own parents. But the issue has many dimensions.
Why do many youngsters avoid staying with their parents when they are old? Why do we as youngsters forget that we are also getting older each day. This cycle of life goes on since our birth. We should never forget that what we sow, so shall we reap.
Further, here is a piece of advice for all youngsters :
Learn to respect your elders. Be soft spoken and try to learn from their experience. Generation gap shall continue to exist but with little love, understanding and patience, life can be happy for all!

Friday, October 9, 2009

It is good to be important but it is more important to be good

I am coming back to writing a blog post after a long time. Last post was in early August. I firmly believe in doing things late than never..
Today's post shall focus keeping in mind a nice quote I came accross which says "It is good to be important but it is more important to be good" . Well life is a journey with ups and downs. Sometimes you are on a high, sometimes on a low. But you should always try your best to be a good human being. A good human being defined by me would be a person who extends his help to others irrespective of caste, religion or relations, a person who tries not to hurt feelings of others and a person who honours his words. I believe if you are good to others, you will eventually gain importance. There can be nothing more beautiful in this world than to gift someone a smile. So be good to others and see how life would change ahead!
Good Luck!
Do reading my posts and please post comments if you liked it.